Master of Science degree in
Economics and Management
The Degree Course offers a complete and in-depth view of the business context, in a dynamic and modern key. The training objective is to create a professional profile capable of applying methodologies, knowledge and skills necessary to hold positions of responsibility in the administration and governance of companies.
To this end, a solid methodological basis is provided to analyze complex phenomena of financial, social and legal nature, also thanks to skills in data science and quantitative analysis. Graduates will be able to understand economic phenomena and problems of companies and entities that operate in complex and rapidly changing contexts. This Course also provides the content to face the State Examination for the profession of Public Accountant.
There are six recommended paths:
- Administration, Finance and Control,
- International Management,
- Data Science and Digital Transformation,
- Public Administration and Healthcare,
- Digital Marketing and Retail Management
- Finance.
The student, upon enrollment in the first year of the course, will have to opt for one of the six recommended courses.
Course Coordinator: Prof. FIlippo Vitolla
Note on the study plan: choose 1 course among those marked with (*)